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Frisky Chinchilla

21 15:45:07

I recently brought a Chinchilla off a lady who was moving away. I've now had him almost two weeks and everything is fine with him, he's very tame and everything. The only problem is that he keeps 'humping' my foot. He used to be housed with a female but the girl I got him from sold them separately. How do I stop this behavior, can I stop it? Should I get him 'done' at the vet, or get him a friend. I don't want to breed and would prefer to keep him singly.

Any advice you can give would be highly appreciated.

Thanks, Lorri

PS, just to give you a laugh, he just came and sat on my laptop keyboard :D

Hi Lorri!

Yes, male chinchillas can be like that alright. My Male chinchilla has never even thought of that but whenever I bought him a 'chinchilla buddy' he soon took it out on the buddy.

You should DEFINITLEY get one of these. Or even make one yourself. They are made of polar fleece and stuffed with polar fleece. A little chewing on it is ok however massive amounts is not ok. This would haev to removed then.

Take a look at.... or

They are both excellent to work with.
