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Guinea pig and Rats living together

21 15:46:28

Hello! I adopted a female Guinea Pig and two female rats from the SPCA yesterday. They said that the three like to be together and get along great. They are all under one year of age and are quite social. As of now, I have them in a large three level cage and they seem fine, but I'm wondering if as they mature they might become more aggressive. The Guinea Pig has been spayed. Do you have any experience with this type of "living" arrangement?

I'm sorry to say that you cannot allow the rats and a guinea pig to live together. The rats can seriously injure the guinea pig. This is a dangerous living arrangement. Moreover, guinea pigs are herivores and will become quite ill if they eat omnivore rodent food. Guinea pigs are mostly awake in the day, rats mostly at night. Guinea pigs need length and width and do not need a three level cage. A three level cage is not correct. My advice is to buy a separate cage for the piggy and allow the rats to continue to live togther.
Here is an excellent site on guinea pig care:

For rat care: