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My Rats eyes.

21 15:45:30

hi, Billy my pet rat has been waking up for the past couple of days with one of his eyes stuck shut, the opposite eye each time, there seems to be a little light coloured, brownish gunge in the corners of his eyes, once he is properly awake his eye opens and seems fine. He is otherwise his normal self, happy and lively.  I'm still quite concerned as he is only 3 months old and has never had any health problems.  Any help would be much appreciated. I use safebed paper wool and the pulped cardboard that they recommend in the pet shop.

Hello Jaime,
it sounds like Billy has an eye infection. Typically I use terramycin for eye infections but I would personally take Billy to a vet just to be sure that there isn't something else going on besides his eye as sometimes it could also indicate a respiratory infection.