Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Miscellaneous Rodents > Squirrels?


21 15:51:13

Dear Nicholle,

  I'm having trouble finding any concrete information about squirrel care.  I've read contradictory information on nearly every subject from suggested diets to socialization.  Since you spoke about genetics you seemed to be the most likely canidate for well informed data.  I'm curious about thier dietary needs, as far a specific nutients go, and recently after having done some minor research am very curious about there brain structure and socialization habits, (for example what priviledges does the Alphe recieve or adminster to currie favor).  If you can help please do, but If not don't worry about about it.

     - Dave DiLena
   IM- TheFiveSands

P.S.- Eastern Grey Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis)

I must admit that I don't know that much about squirrels, although I do remember about the diet from my vet. They must be on a low fat diet when kept domestically. A ferret, chinchilla, or prairie dog diet would work best. Get a high quality type of each and see which one your squirrel seems to like. They must be on a low fat diet because they are built to bulk up and if they are feed through their normal hibernation time, they will turn into a blimp and have a much shorter life span. That's about all I know, you can try to find a wildlife rehabilitator who can probably tell you more. Happy hunting! Sorry I couldn't help more.