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Feeding Time

21 15:45:12

QUESTION: Hi, sorry, lol. It's me agaian.

Well, over the time, I've been reading up on a lot of information on chinchillas. And, one of the things that struck me was, Feeding Time.
I noticed that several chinchilla owners actually HAVE a feeding time. Where they bring IN the bowl of food, rather then just keeping it their always.

I, ever since I've bought Leo, have kept the dish with food in it all the time. Along with water in a bottle, hanging on the outside of the cage, and a nice stack of hay.

Would you think that having an actual feeding time, would be more appropriate? Would it make him more loving towards me, and more social? Would it be much healthier for him, if I did this?
And if so, how would I switch from having the bowl already in the cage, to feeding time? How many times should I give a feeding time a day? And how long should feeding time be?
Also, how long would you think the switching will take?

As well as, I have Timothy Hay for him. I always have a nice pile for him every third day ruffly, or when he finishes the pile off.  And he LOVES it.
When trying to switch over to feeding time, should I just continue putting the hay in, when he's done with the pile? or just put it in during feeding time?

Please help me

ANSWER: Hi Adriana,

Chinchillas need to have food in their cage ALL the time. This is a golden rule.

Also, chinchillas generally aren't the loving, cuddly pet. Completely different from rabbits. Many people think that they are alike and realise they don't like them anymore after ownership.

Food that hasn't been eaten when it comes to the following feeding time (Each evening, after playtime is when I feed.) should be thrown away and fresh food should be provided. HAY especially needs to be removed from the cage everyday. It becomes soiled etc. very quickly. You wouldn't want your chinchilla to be eating this!

When feeding you could handfeed little pieces of hay or some pellets then put in his dish. That way he would associate you with food and grow towards you.

You can also monitor how much they eat, and once you learn roughly how much they eat you will know how much to put in and you won't waste as much that way, even though you are throwing out the leftovers.

So, remember...Chinchillas NEED to have food/water in their cage AT ALL TIMES.

This is extremely important.

You could give hay in the morning too, if he would eat it. Timothy hay is very good for them.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Ok then, Thank you.

Now, I wanted to ask you about their water?

I re-new their water every morning, when I wake.
But the thing is....The 2 chinchillas that are in one cage, drink from the bowl. And Leo, drinks from the bottle.
Now, I'm not really sure on this, for the 2 to drink from the bowl. I feel that it could be un-safe for them. Seeing as they can't get wet.

What do you think?
Should I change from the bowl to the bottle?


ANSWER: Yes, chinchillas can't get wet as there is a very high chance of fungus forming because of their thich dense coat. (Humans have 1-2 hairs per follicle & Chinchillas have around 80 hairs per follicle, quite a difference!)

If they do not take to the waterbottle straight away try rubbing the inside of a raisin on the drinking tip of the bottle and the should lick it and see that they get water from it.

(Mark the bottle when you go to bed with a permanent marker and see if the level has changed when you get up in the morning. This shows if they are drinking or not. Make sure it isn't leaking too.)

Ofcourse, chinchillas cannot have raisins because they are toxic to them causing A LOT of harm in the long run. Not good! Also contain a lot of unnecessary sagar which chins do not tolerate.

Water should be bottled water only. Do not  provide tap water as this contains a lot of harmful bacteria upsetting the chinchilla's delicate digestive system very easily.  Also, high chances of giardia which can end up very, very bad.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: So, tell me.
You say the raisons are toix to chinchillas.
Why is that?

Everywhere else say that they love them and its safe?:S


Hi there,

During your research you should really go to VARIOUS places to find the answer to the same question. The reason why I say this is because there are many (Too many!) places giving out  wrong information about chinchillas. Most new owners find these sites first as they are normally the biggest, normally online chain Petshops etc. with added information about the species.

So basically, when researching look at various places and see what they all say so then you can decide on your own which to listen to. :). Or ask me ofcourse!

Here is a link on Raisin toxicity:

That is a great chinchilla forum also, if you want to sign up :) .
