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2 orphaned baby mice

21 15:48:30

They are walking and playing now, i would like to release them back into the wild as soon as possible so once they have opened their eyes and are eating solid food can this be done. I have two cats myself and because they are wild animals i dont want to keep them locked in a cage

Followup To

Question -
A cat recently brought in two baby mice, they are both unharmed (i took them to the vets). I am feeding them both every two hours on a special milk. Should i be giving them water? When will their eyes open (they are fully furred). What should i feed them? Am i doing the right things? Please give me any advice you can offer

Answer -
Hi there, You did the right thing taking them to the vets. At the minute you are giving them the special milk which would replace their mother's milk. They shouldnt really need water as they will get enough from the milk. They should open their eyes when they are about 2 weeks old and when they start to crawl you can wean them very slowly with baby food and you can start to offer them other soft foods. You want them to be able to eat on their own. You are doing everything right! Well done and if you have any more qns I am here.

If they are just released, they will probably die or be killed by another animal. You have imprinted upon them by rearing them and they are too tame for release. You should take them to a wildlife rehabilition centre where they have experience of releasing animals properly as if you just let them go there's a 99% chance they will die and there would have been no point rearing them in the first place.