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Hairless Mouse

21 15:45:34

I recently purchased a hairless mouse & I was curious if there are any extra health precautions i must take to keep him healthy due to his lack of hair, for example whether he would need anything extra to keep his skin healthy due to the lack of protection from hair.

Also he has what appears to be a slight eye infection one of his eyes he keeps slightly closed during the day & it appears to have a small amount of gunk around it, but by night it clears up a bit.

Dear Arillia,
thank you for your question.
Hairless mice are even more prone to colds and rdespiratory infections that other mice, so it's very important that you keep him warm and not in a draughty area. But his skin should be fine, most hairless rodents don't have much skin problems.

The eye infection may be caused by lack of eyelashes or some hairless mice have curled eyelashes that can grow into the eye and can turn into a constant irritation for the mouse. I recommend seeing a rodent vet with him to find out what exactly causes the infection. Here's a website that has a list of rodent vets:

I hope I ws of some help to you