Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Miscellaneous Rodents > too much change?

too much change?

21 15:43:16

hey dawn its me again. we just did a ton of changes in my sister's cage. at
laest 2 weeks ago we took out their wheel. now we added a bigger wheel
today. an hour or so later, we took out their strawberry house, and added
a mouse potty. (they havent figured out what it is yet.) is this too much? is
it too fast? i think it is. and i bet it freaked them out too. will this effect the
mice's health? will it show up in their stool? oh and they dont have
anywhere to hide in except in a dixie cup. would that be too small of a
hidey hole? is this too much to ask in one email? should i stop saying
things now? :)

sincerely once again,

Dixie cup will do fine for now, but dont be surprised if they chew it up eventually. Trying something like a small coffee container(plastic) will also work.

Change is okay and they get use to it pretty quickly and  rodents dont seem to mind. You may see them being more active to explore, but over all it should be fine for them and not effect their health in any drastic way.

Have more questions...feel free to ask :)
