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my sisters meeses

21 15:43:16

my sister has two mice. one sneezes all the time and the other has runny
feces. my sister is always is holding them. she kisses them too. i
resaerched those symptoms and it looks serious. should we get them to a

Diarrhea can be caused by feeding your mice too much fresh foods. This can be remedied by removing of the any fresh foods and staying to mouse food.

Another cause, if you are not feeding it fresh fruits/veggies, is a bacteria that will need antibiotics that a vet will need to give.

As for the runny nose make sure that your mice is away from any drafts like vents, fans, or open doors. This can cause the runny nose. There is also the possibility of having allergies to the bedding. Stay clear of cedar and anything that is wood. The best recommendation is care-fresh.

If you dont see any results or these do not apply to your situation then go to the vet to be safe. Here are some websites that may help you in your research and thank you for using all experts.