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I have two chinchillas and one died

21 15:43:01

Hi I have well had two chinchillas che che and cha cha well cha cha died on tuesday suddenly they are both 10 or 11 they weren't babies when we got them they have been together all this time. I was wonder how can I help che che deal with this he has never been really social but he does seem alittle upset he keeps laying in the spot where we found her we cleaned the cage but he seems very attached to that spot. I let him run around but he doesn't seem to want to he just likes to eat and a lay in where we found her.

I am so sorry for the loss of your chinchilla.  You are doing all of the right things by letting Che Che out of the cage for play time.  Keep him active and watch his food and water intake.  Try giving him a stuffed animal to cuddle.  Place it in the area of the cage he likes to lay in.  The animals made for dogs are usually safe for chinchillas.  Be sure it is filled with stuffing and not beans. Try to find one without plastic eyes or nose and with short fur.  Keep an eye on the animal to be sure your chinchilla isn't trying to eat it.  Normal grooming is ok but you don't want him to ingest any of the materials.