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handicapped mouse

21 15:45:41

Hi! I found a mouse whose back legs don't work. Not sure if a cat had it or what. He pulls himself around by his front legs. he'll take water from a dropper and is starting to eat.I'd like to keep him as long as that's not cruel to him. He doesn't seem to be in pain. What kind of a cage would be best. How can he get around without damaging his lower half - how could he exercise/ thanks for any info. Linda humphries

Dear Linda,
thank you for your question.
This may sound cruel, but I would let a vet put the mouse down. He won't be able to live comfortably without the use of his hindlegs. After some time, the legs and lower body would get sore from being dragged around (a bit like bedsores) and he won't be able to keep himself clean any more.
Many "normal" vets won't treat rodents, here's a list of rodent vets
I'm sorry that i cannot be of more help to you