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rodent from Syrain desert

21 15:45:15

I just saw the following ad in my local pet section of Craigslist. It sounds like a hamster to me but the guy acting so strange I am wondering if it is a rare breed. Here is the ad....  Attention breeders of exotic small animals! Looking for a species of rodent larger than a mouse and smaller than a Guinea Pig. The females have short hair while the males have longer locks. Small pink feet, short stubby tail (about a centimeter) and they are originally from the "Syrian" desert region (that's a dead give away). Those of you who know what I speak of will understand why I do not openly name the type of rodent. This is a very serious request as time is running out for my existing rodent family if I do not find a breeding female within the next 6 months. I will pay well for the animal or even for information that leads to procurement of the animal. Again, this is no joke. Time is running out and I am desperate!!  

Dear Kay,
thank you for your question.
I think you are right, he wants a Syrian hamster, a teddy hamster to be specific. Male teddy hamsters usually have longer hair than the females. I guess he just wants to make his ad more interesting to get more attention :)
I hope I was of some help to you