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My rat Finnik

21 15:42:57

My rat Finnik has been sneezing all the time and also has a runny nose. And I was wondering what I should do becuase he wasn't sneezing when i first brought him home (2 weeks ago). He lives in an aquerium and has a meatal top over it with holes in the top. And i change his bedding every week (wood shaving) once somethimes twice. I give him fresh water every few hours and i give him some treats in the morning. Dose he need a heat lamp by his cage or could it just be allergie because he also lives next to two birds? His tail is warm but his nose and feet feel cold when i pick him up. Also one of his eyes look different from the other and he has eye boogies and i also wanted to know how to get them out without hurting him.

Cheyenne Adams

You don't say what kind of wood shavings you use, but any that are aromatic can sicken or kill small animals.  Your best bet is to use either corncob pellets or recycled newspaper pellets.  They are both often found in the cat litter aisle of your local pet store.  I use either Yesterday's News or Good News (both recycled newspaper pellets#.  I find they absorb odor better, and are low dust producers.  

You can give Finnik a bath #you don't say how old he is# in the sink or tub to get rid of any allergens in his fur, and it'll clean his eye somewhat too.  Use baby bath #the kind that is shampoo/body cleaner) as it won't hurt as much if it gets in his eyes.  Make sure you dry him well with a towel, and don't turn your back on him as rats can jump right out of a bathtub.  

Do NOT use a heat lamp for a mammal in an aquarium, as they will overheat easily.  Just make sure to keep him out of drafts, and as comfortable as humans.  Also make sure he is getting a balanced diet including fresh fruits and veggies so he has the nutrients to stay healthy.

Good luck!