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bleeding rat

21 15:51:37

My rat is bleeding from the gential area.  She is female.  What could it be?

im sorry to say but there is only one main reason. tumors. my rat died for she had tumors in her uterus, (that caused her to bleed from her end) then they spread to her brain, she went deaf, developed a head tilt, bled from her nose and ears, lost balance, ran in circles, and went mentally ill. there really is no cure, she could get them sergically removed, but rats that have tumors removed usually die a month or so later. it only took about two weeks for everything to go wrong, it was very scaary. plus she was very young, no more than two months old. i had to put her to sleep for she was suffering much pain, couldnt hear, ran in circles and kept falling over, she was slowly dying and wouldve died painfully a few days later anyway. it is very hard to find a vet that will do surgery, but that is expensive and never successes anyway. spend lots of quality time, and if she shows any signs listed above from my rat, um, think about the best for your rat and if she could be put out of mysery. the only other reason is if she was giving birth and a miscariged baby was stuck in the birth canal, causing her to bleed.
so sorry