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21 15:43:42


My son's pet mouse (Georgie) went lame in the back legs overnight. He's been looking a bit lethargic and slow the last two weeks and now this. It's extremely upsetting and I just want to know what to do? He is also wet almost to the middle of his little body. Could that be from rolling in urine or something? We feed him mice food and fresh bread and he's got fresh water and a lovely clean cage with lots of old socks that we clean once a week. He is now about one and half years old. We saved him from being snake food at a friend's house.

Please help, my son is so devastated.

Many thanks

I am sorry to hear about Georgie and hope that he gets better. With him being wet it is most possible that he is urinating on himself and scooting in it making him wet and stinky. As for his condition this can be nerve damage from a fall that is causing his legs to hurt when being used. A lot of time this heals on it own with time. You will think they are paralyzed an then they just begin to walk. It can result from a fall or having a injury from the wheel or toys.

Another health concern is genetic spinal issue just like people mice can get cerebral palsy and multiple sclerosis that can cause symptoms of inability to move parts of the body. If he can eat and drink as normal and you feel that he is still able to live then he will learn to adapt for his condition.

With any condition there is two possible suggestions and one is a vet visit to find out the exact nature of the issue. Make sure they aren't going to charge a lot of money when it is such a small animal and that they take exotic animals. Also there is euthanasia that you can go with if you feel that he is suffering or unable to properly live. A vet can assist in this procedure or a pharmacy cna give advice on what to do at home.

Below is a movie that I found about pet mice and health that may be of further assistance to you.  I hope that I gave some information you can use and thank you for using all experts and giving Georgie a home:)