Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Miscellaneous Rodents > HEDGEHOG BREEDING


21 15:48:40

Hello Crystal,
I attempted to breed my hedgehogs twice but the female is not getting pregnant. She's a standard and the male is Albino, both are 8 months old. The first time I put her with him for a week-no babies. The 2nd time i put her with him for 1 week, took her out for a week, and then put her back for a week-no babies. What am I doing wrong? Could the male be sterile?

Hedhehogs are very hard to breed. Even if they were living together all the time (do not do that) there is a chance they would not breed. I suggest you call a breeder for some help. You can look plenty up online. I don't breed hedgehogs, one of the reasons because it is difficult. I am out of town this weekend, so I don't have any resources to really get into the breeding question. I do know that it is difficult to get them to breed. I really believe that calling or emailing a breeder would be a better help to you. Also maybe you should pick up a book on the breeding process. From what I remember, you start by putting their cages next to each other for a week, then you put them both in a neutral cage seperated by a divider like cardboard so they can smell each other for a week, and then you let them meet and monitor to make sure there is no fighting.

Breeding hedgehogs takes a lot of time and a lot of tries. Patience is needed. You can go months without babies.
