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Underweight hedgehog

21 15:48:40

Hello Chrystal,
I emailed a couple of weeks ago. I have been weighing my hedgehog and she still weighs the same, about 9 ounces. I read somewhere that a hedgie should be shaped like a teardrop when viewed from above but mine is more like an hourglass. She eats but only tiny amounts. She doesn't sniffle, sneeze,or have a runny nose. She's just thin. How many ounces is she supposed to weigh and exactly what food should I give her-what brand and from where? Also, would it be okay to give her kitten food for a while since it is higher in fat and remove her wheel, just until she gains weight? I am worried about her very much. I would also like it if you could find me a good hedgehog vet in Reno, NV. Thankyou for helping.
Irene C.
Reno, NV  

I would also like to add that it is not a bad thing to feel the bones when you hold your hedgehog, unless you mean you feel individual ones. I just went and picked up a very sleepy hedgehog and i can feel that he has bones, but they are not sticking through his skin. When viewed from above he looks like a long oval more straight in the middle or a giant slug. When turn to the side and he is curled a little he is a teardrop. He is long and slender. His sister is tiny compared to him, about half the size, so really you might just be worrying too much about this. Hedgehogs vary in shape and size. Another hedgehog I had was more round than anything, but I know she was overweight at a pound. I can't say what a normal weight is because hedgehogs can vary in size. Focus on feeding a blanaced diet of cat food, canned insects like mealworms and crickets and silkworms, hedgehog treat food. Insects should be fed sparingly. if she wants to eat a tiny amount, then let her. Try exciting her with the insects. they smell awful, but hedgehogs love them. I personally don't like live ones, some hedgehogs love them, some are afraid. Personally preference. Please give your hedgehog their wheel. Maybe you can post some pictures for me to see. I really cannot picture what you are describing. I also can't give you a brand since areas are different, just that it should be a premium food.

hedgehogs should weigh between half a pound and one pound, with one pound being near overweight. Kitten food is bad. It is too high in fat, and your hedgehog needs a wheel to stay healthy. I cannot even imagine a hedgehog shaped like an hourglass unless you mean the head being one part and the body being the other. Food depends on your area. You should be adding bugs like mealworms or crikets, both of which you can buy canned for lizards. Just once in awhile because they are very high in fat. A low fat cat food is fine. It should be a premium brand, nothing you can buy at a grocery store.