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Lethargic Degu?

21 15:44:37

I bought two young male degus a few weeks ago, and they seem to have settled in very well. They are two-month olds from the same litter. I know they fought a little bit, as the larger male, McDreamy, received a new tear in his ear. However, he is still very active and all, so I think he's ok. The other, Laredo, settled in very well, however, yesterday and today he has seemed very lethargic, and he is noticeably more skinny then McDreamy. I'm not quite sure what is wrong- when I go to catch him, he runs away, as expected, but once I have him in my hand, he is fairly calm. He isn't as active as normal, and I was wondering if I should worry. His eyes, ears, and teeth are all normal, and his coat looks fine. I think he might not get enough food, so I've set out an additional food dish for him. If you could provide insight into this problem, I would greatly appreciate it.  

First of all you should NEVER try to catch at degu!  It stresses them.  If it doesn't climb voluntarily into your hand, you should use a transfer jar (wide-mouthed jar it can climb into on its own) to move them around.  Other than that, you've told me nothing remarkable.  To try to make sure he is getting adequate food, hand feed him extra such as vegetables and an occasional treat.
I hope this helps,