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degu illness

21 15:43:43

i have recently got 4 degus and my little boy has quite a few bites on his body could it be the degus maybe fleas

Degus can get fleas, mites, and also bites from each other.  Without seeing it I can only give generalizations, but you'll have a pretty good idea from the size of the bites.  If you can actually see the bites I think they most likely came from another goo.  You don't say what gender all of your animals are, but whether you have all males or all females they can fight and bite.  Since you have at least one male, you should also be aware that it's not a good idea keeping more than one male in with any female(s).  They fight over her/them and often fight to the death.  One male and several females is fine...but the guys just don't share well.  

Keep an eye on the wounds to make sure he doesn't get infected and also be on the lookout for his food intake.  If he's getting picked on, he may also not be getting enough to eat or drink.

Good luck,