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Rat Behavior.

21 15:45:32

I've had my first rat for three weeks now. I got her from a pet store. I'm not forcing myself on her, I want her to take her time getting used to me, but I have to pick her up to clean out her cage and honestly, shes terrified of getting picked up. Another thing it seems like she is trying to bite me. I know that this its supposedly uncommon for a rat to bite and that she may just "want to taste" me... or so I was told by the pet store. Though, she has quickly lashed out at me twice in the past few days. I stuck a craft popsicle stick up to the cage instead of my finger, and she chomped down. Please help me because I have no idea how to stop this, or if its a more serious problem.

Dear Rachel,
thank you for your question.
Most rodents will bite if you stick something through the cage  bars. It is very unusual for rats to be really aggressive, she's probably just unused to humans and scared. Get some sturdy gloves and pick her up. That way you won't get hurt, but the rate can learn that nothing will happen to her when you touch her. Let her sit on your lap and offer her treats, you can also put her under your shirt if she's too skittish (make sure you wear something underneath). Do this every day, she will learn soon that you don't want to hurt her.
I hope I was of some help to you