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Science Project

21 15:43:41

Hi, I'm Jennifer. My frind and I are doing a science fair project about how music affects the behavior of rats, and we were wondering if you could help us think of a way to do this science fair project. Maybe you could give us ideas about different tests we could do on the rat. Our project is due in October so we need help fast.....PLEASE HELP.

Here is a good suggestion. You take 3 mice put them in different areas of your home so they cannot hear the other mice music. One gets rock music, one get classical, and one get no music at all. Then you need to give them some sort of task. Something like a maze or hidden object to find(food is good). Time them all to begin with, then begin them listening to music for a set number of hours. You decide on the time frame. Every day have the mice do the same task to preform and document if they improve their time or not. Your chart should show which mice did better at the task over time vs the other. Another chart can show if any improvement or not occurred in their behavior, cleaning, eating, ect and document everything that happens.

Here are some sites that give other options you can do with rats for science fair.