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degu socialisation

21 15:45:49

3 years a go i rescued a 5 year old male degu in poor condition hes blind in one day and is missing a tale hes the tamest degu ull ever meet but hes alone less i handle him would i be able to put an adult younger male degu with him his cage is very large meant for a chinchilla thanks

You should be able to successfully introduce them as roomies, but it's best done with a little trickery.  He really should have a friend, and a young male is best.  When you get the new one, don't put him in right away.  Take the old one out of his cage and clean the cage thoroughly.  Put some fresh dust in your bath house and add a few drops of vanilla (the cooking kind, not like a perfume or anything) then let the new one fluff around in the vanilla dust bath.  Then put him in the cleaned out cage first.  Next take your old degu and let him fluff around in the vanilla dust bath for a while then put him in the cage.  Make sure you give both of them hand fed treats often the first few days and be alert for signs of aggression.
Good luck!