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urgent! swollen rat, lump under front legs

21 15:43:29

my rat has developed a strange swollen lump under her left front leg/between both front legs. it is about 1.5 inches across and is very obvious. it seems to have developed very quickly, in alike 2 days and i have no idea what it it. the rat doesn't seem to be struggling and doesn't squeak or react when i touch or apply any amount of pressure to it, and it doesn't seem to bother the rat.
i can take a photo of you need further reference!

ANSWER: A photo would be very helpful. There is a chance it could be a fast growing tumor, or an abscess. A photo would difinitely help. Does it feel hard or squishy? Is it leaking any liquid? Mammary tumors are very common in mice and rats, and if it keeps growing I would take her into a vet as soon as you can to have it removed, as long as it is not connected to any major blood vessels. If it is an abscess, it can be lanced and drained and the mouse can be put on antibiotics. Have she injured herself lately? Is she housed with any other mice?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: shes now had an operation, lump is gone - was a benign tumour, and isnt recovering too well. shes been drowsy for 1 1/2 days now, has not been willing to walk/move much and we are having to force feed her water, sweetened and salted soy milk, boiled egg in soy milk. im rather worried, as she also has myco and is not cleaning herself, and is not willing to be cleaned. should i introduce her cagemate? ive heard this can help, but i fear she may be picked on...

Did they give her any pain medication or anti-inflammatories? What about antibiotics? You can try introducing her cagemate however if she has sutures the other rat may do more harm than good trying to clean the wound, and she may end up pulling out sutures or causing an infection. If she is still having trouble eating slices of avocado, yogurt drops and nutrical can help speed things along. Have you called the vet back?