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small mouse found in kitchen

21 15:46:03

I went into my kitchen in the middle of the night and almost stepped on a little mouse.  it's eyes are open and it is furry and soft.  i have no intention of keeping this little critter, but i do want to make it's chances of survival as high as possible.  what should i do to aid in it's growth or is it ok to put outside now? the only thing that concerns me is that it is mouthing for something and has been since I picked it up.  please let me know what i should do, if need be i can send a picture of it so you could better determine it's age.  thank you in advance


Since his eyes are open he's over two weeks old. Mice nurse their young to the age of three-four weeks, but little ones start trying solid food as soon as they get their eyes open. You could try giving him some muesli, low-salt bread or vegetables/fruits (nothing with vitamin C though!). If he still continues mouthing for something, you can try (if you have the patience and time for it!) this formula:

1 tp of honey
0,5 dl of whole milk
1 tp cooking oil
1 egg yolk

A two-week old would need to be fed about every 3-5 hours. If he seems to be doing better and is eating solid food, you can release him to the wild in a peaceful area. Hope this was of any use, and hope he makes it!