Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > Farley :(

Farley :(

21 10:46:44

QUESTION: My 2 yr. old ferret, Farley has been acting very weird. It's scaring me. He's been walking like he's drunk, when he does walk, but mostly he just lies there. I took him out of the cage with the others and I  have him next to my bed on my end table in a cat bed with a food and water bowl and a litter box right next to it. He seems really weak, and skinny. Except when he's walking it looks like it is sagging. Also, I've noticed that it looks like he's having trouble defecating. When he does its very dark. Black, but doesn't look bloody. Can you please tell me whats wrong?

ANSWER: Hello Cory and Farley,

Unfortunately, it sounds like your little guy has an intestinal blockage, which means he ate something he was not supposed to and it has stopped up his GI tract and he needs medical attention right away! The fact that his stool is black means there is blood there, it was just digested before it came out, which is not a good thing at all. The fact that he is having trouble going to the bathroom is a very bad sign! I urge you to get this guy into the vet RIGHT AWAY! This qualifies as an emergency.

Do you have an exotics vet? If you don't, here is a list of links that will hopefully help you find one:


Please get Farley into the vet right away. This is a very dire emergency and he needs help.

Please let me know if you need anything else. You and Farley are in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep me updated on the situation.

Emilee Andrews

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you, very much. That is what I expected. Now It was coming out like tar-looking, but definitely bloody on the tissue. My only issue is, is that I don't think there's such thing as a free pet clinic and I'm not exactly financially able to pay hundreds of dollars to a vet. Is there anything that I could possibly do???

Hello again Cory,

A lot of veterinarians offer something called CareCredit that is like a credit card that you use with the vet's office. Also, maybe if you took him in and they saw the dire situation he is in, you could appeal to them. Maybe they would work with you on a payment plan. It can't hurt to try something like that. You should try calling around, tell them that you suspect your ferret has an intestinal blockage and that there is digested blood in the stool. Tell them that he is lethargic and not moving very much. Ask them if there is any way, as this is an emergency, that you can be seen right away and a payment plan can be worked out.

Unfortunately, Cory, and I'm sorry to have to be the one to say these things, but if Farley has an intestinal blockage and they can't remove it with laxatives or anything like that, they will want to do exploratory surgery and remove the blockage that way. This can be a dangerous option because sometimes the little ferrets don't make it through the surgery. I'm sure you would want to take any chance you could with Farley, as we all would with our little fuzzbutts, but I just want you to be aware of that. Also, a surgery like that can be pretty expensive, so the payment plan is all the more vital to Farley's survival.

Tarry stool is also indicative of ulcers, but given that he is having trouble using the bathroom, I am leaning more towards a blockage. Again, a vet is the only one who can tell you for sure.

Unfortunately, there is nothing I can tell you to do at home, except cuddle him and snuggle him. Try to  give him some water. You can try giving him petroleum jelly (vaseline with NO ADDITIVES!) or some feline hairball remedy. My guess is the problem is too far along, but miracles do happen, so you should try it. Also I have heard of vets prescribing canned pure pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling but canned pumpkin) as a stimulant to getting that foreign body out of there. None of these are guarantees and you are taking a risk with all of them.

Hug him and cuddle him and  tell him you love him. Call your area vets and tell them the situation. There has to be someone out there that will work with you to save this ferret's life. Don't take 'no' for an answer, Cory.

I am so sorry. I wish there was something more I could do for you and Farley during this difficult time. Please let me know if you need anything else. Also, please keep me updated.

Emilee Andrews