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21 10:58:55

I am owned by my 5 fuzzbutts.  I have talked with several people who own ferrets, and have gone to shows.  I guess the newest "thing" to do with ferrets is to "dust" them with the chinchilla powder?  For years, I have made their home as dust free as possible.  I don't use cat litter, or shavings.  I use recycled newspaper for the litter, and it is dust free (product called carefresh).  I guess the main reason for the dusting is the "in between bath" freshen up.  I bathe the crew about once every 4 months.  I use a daily spritz on them as needed to freshen them up.  I wash the cage daily and the bedding weekly.  Smell is really not a problem in my house.  I am concerned about the health issues if chinchilla dust was used.  Is it safe?

Hi Christina:

I'm not sure where you are hearing that dust baths are the rage for ferrets, but your original knowledge about ferrets and anything dusty is correct - dust of ANY kind is a definite 'no-no' for ferrets.

Ferrets have very small and sensitive lungs.  Not being a Chinchilla person, I am not sure what the dust is made of, but no dust is healthy for a ferret, so whatever it is made of can't be good for them.

I know that there is a deodorant type 'bath' for ferrets (not sure who makes it) but it's another one of those things marketed for ferrets that was not researched appropriately before it was put on the market.  NO DUST is good for a ferret.

You are correct on all counts - regular cage cleaning, changing linens and an occasional real bath are all ferrets require. It sounds to me that you are doing everything right in that respect.   

I hope you can get back to wherever you heard about dust baths for ferrets and set them straight. Their ferrets will pay a price if they get dust in their lungs. It will make them much more susceptible to lung infections and a variety of health problems.

Keep doing what you're doing and try to spread the word for the good of the ferrets.  Thanks so much for your question and for setting the record straight on this one!

jacquie rodgers