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Concerns with Molly

21 10:40:13


Molly when we firat go
Hello, I have a girl ferret. I rescued her from these 5 boys that decided they did not want her. At the time I knew nothing about ferrets but I've been studying up and we absolutley love her. We have had her for about 2 yrs, and the vet guesstimates she is about 2.5 to 3 yrs.

She is the only ferret in the house, but she gets a lot of attention from the 3 of us. She does not get locked up in a cage our 2 story house is her cage. she has a small little cage just so she can get to her food and some water. Her litter box is under our sink cause that seemed to be her favorite spot.

She eats the high quality food. But she loves eating honey nut cheerios and raisens. She eats both of them equally. Is that okay?

We give her a bath everyday with Pantene Shampoo. The vet says her skin is not dry and she is very healthy. Is it safe to keep doing this?

She does drink her water out of the canteen but she seems to like drinking water out of the faucet better, is it because it does not have the stuff in the water to make her poop not smell?

Molly also seems to dry heave or cough when she is wrapped up in a blanket sleeping. Does this mean she has a hairball or just cannot breathe in the blanket or what? She doesnt do it constantly but she does it enough to make me curious.

Is it safe to have her running around the house as if she was a cat or dog?

She also seems smaller then most of the other ferrets but she eats all the time and her poop is healthy.

We clean her ears and clip her nails and take care of her in al the ways we know.. Just have a few questions.

Thank You for your time and answer.

First, ferrets are obligate carnivores and should not eat fruits or vegetables.  Cheerios are carbs and also bad for ferrets.  Change her treat habits to something meat based.

Also, I would back off the baths - more baths mean more of a ferret odor issue and long-term will not be good.  I only bath my ferrets when they are dirty (rolling in a dirty litter box etc).

Water is fine out of the faucet.

Generally speaking, your house can be a dangerous place for a ferret.  They are quite able to fit into spaces the size of their head and this leads to trouble.  They will also dig up carpet, poop in places you don't want, and can get into dangerous chemicals.  Confine her to a ferret-proofed room so she can't get hurt.

I always suggest "Ferrets for Dummies" to anyone looking for a good source of information - check it out.