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I think my ferret is to thin?

21 10:45:06


Photo of Ferret

I think my ferret is to thin. It feels like u can feel every bone when u pick him up and feels like he has very little muscle. He is still eating perfectly normally, very playful and has normal stools. Are some ferrets just skinny like people? He has access to food at all time and eats James Wellbeloved food. When we bought him we were told he was a greyhound ferret. He was castrated about 2 months ago and lost weight drastically, he appeared to gain weight and lost it again.

Thanks for any help.

Arwen and Cloudy

Hello Arwin,

My ferret did the exact same thing when he was neutered at 8 months of age.  He dropped from a 4 lb ball of flub to a sleek 2.5 lbs within three months!  I am not surprised to hear the same has happened to your ferret.  

A hefty weight is a common characteristic of intact male ferrets.  Upon the loss of the testosterone hormone, many will loose weight as a result.  Often, it can be dramatic.  Male ferrets neutered at a late age will sometimes retain their hefty body mass, although this is not true for every case.  Younger castrations seem to loose more weight and remain skinny from what I have seen.   

It is unlikely your ferret will never be quite as hefty as before, although his body mass can fluctuate with the seasons. My boy usually ranges between 2.5 - 3 lbs.

Secondly, make sure you are feeding a VERY high quality ferret food.  Diet is extremely important, and most ferret owners do not realize that poor quality food can negatively impact their pet's health.  Please refer to the following link.  It is a previously answered post about diet and proper nutrition:

I hope this answers your question!  I would not be overly alarmed about his weight loss since it seems linked to his castration.  Make sure he is eating, drinking, defecating, and that his activity level remains normal. If you notice these or any other odd behaviors, have him seem by your veterinarian for an evaluation.

-Cindy P.