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Bump on the noggin

21 10:40:56


Bump above the eye
Yesterday,my ferret was fine. He looked clean,happy,like he always does..... Well, this morning when I was cleaning their cage my ferret,Buddy, had a HUGE bump on his head above his eye. I have a book called "Ferrets for Dummies" but it doesn't say there are any sicknesses that give giant bumps. He doesn't run often so I doubt he smashed his head. Do you know of and sicknesses that would make him get a bump on his head? I know this question sound dumb, but I had 2 ferrets before that had something abnormal about them that I didn't see before... They both passed on. I'm just so cautious now about every speck on his body. Do you know why he might have a bump?


P.S- The bump in the picture is hard to see,but it's huge and it's above his eye a little to the side.

Hello Gina,

It's hard to say what it might be, but I do have a few questions that might help.  Is it firm to the touch?   Is there any swollen/red areas?  Is it itchy?  Does it seem to be getting larger?  

Bumps can be caused by all sorts of things.  

1.  Bug bites or allergic reactions come on suddenly, are often swollen and can look terrible.  They are often red, inflamed and itchy.  

2.  Abscesses are another cause of lumps and bumps.  These are caused by infections from a wound (even the smallest cut can form an abscess) They are puss filled (soft)and need to be drained.  Abscesses can form quickly, and often go unnoticed until they rupture.  

3.  A third cause of bumps is cancer.  Tumors are usually very firm to the touch (though not always) and can grow rapidly... even overnight.  Your veterinarian can diagnose cancer though a small aspirate or biopsy.  

If the bump continues to grow or does not seem to be getting better, you should bring him to your veterinarian ASAP.  He would be able to tell you what is causing the lump and how to appropriately treat it.  

-Cindy P.