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Female ferret sneezes a lot.

21 11:01:47

My girl, Pandora, seems to sneeze a lot, more than usual.. I know they sneeze a great deal.. but she does it all the time, do you have any reasoning for this?


 Sneezing in ferrets is not usually something to get overly concerned about. Anything and everything can make ferrets sneeze:) Has anything changed in your ferret's environment? Has she been playing in unusually dusty areas like behind tables or under beds? Have you used any carpet powders/cleaners recently? Have you changed the detergent you use to wash their bedding in? Anything new in the air....perfume, second hand smoke, fumes from anything else? Have you recently put any new flooring or carpeting down? Have you recently moved to a new place? Sometimes when adjusting to a new environment, ferrets will sneeze A LOT. This also applies to ferrets that are new to your home; is Pandora a new ferret? Baby ferrets will sneeze quite a bit when brought into your home. There's nothing you can do about it except wait for them to adjust.
 Ferrets are susceptible to catching human influenza(flu). If you or someone in your home has been sick recently, this could be the cause. I wouldn't worry about it at the moment. As long as she's eating, drinking, and playing normally, the sneezing shouldn't be a cause for concern. Also watch her stools for any changes(diarrhea, etc) *If* she has the flu, allow it to run it's course(she'll probably be somewhat tired just like you or I would be when we have a cold); just make sure she stays warm, comfortable and is eating and drinking. If her nasal discharge becomes thick and/or green/yellow and and she has other symptoms such as a fever, cough, breathing troubles, etc, then take her to the vet to be checked.
Hope this helps:)
