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New to Ferrets

21 10:40:13

Hi Ailigh,

I have never owned a ferret before.  I have only been around them twice in my life.  I think they are adorable tho.

My friend at school has a 3 yr old male that he dose not want anymore.  I offered to take him in.  He never plays with him but he claims it's nice and he's healthy.  

Could you recommend any good websites for detailed Ferret Care?

Is it safe to take the Ferret to the beach on a leash (If he likes to go)??

What should I do about worming him?

And should I worry that he will eat my pet Rats???

Thank You!

Start by buying or borrowing the book "Ferrets for Dummies" as it is the best resource available.  Your ferret vet will tell you about vaccinations and worming (we vaccinate for rabies and distemper but have never wormed).  I doubt that the ferret would eat your rats, but I wouldn't leave them alone either.
The beach might be fun as long as the ferret is secure on the harness.