Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > Chocolate


21 10:52:17

I have two ferrets I just got one of them three days ago on a surprise from a friend that non of the family knew about.

Misty is
1) 3 years
2) no illness
3) cat food
4) runnier than it's suppose to be that I just saw her do now
5) in  the house in a cage taller than me and I'm 5ft. 3in.

New Ferret is
1) looks and acts like almost a year and same as the tarter on the teeth which I know how to tell the age normally
2) have no clue
3) cat food
4) normal
5) in  the house in a cage taller than me and I'm 5ft. 3in.

My question was what should I do if one of them accidentally got a hold of chocolate but didn't eat it all.
and on Misty's diarrhea can I give her DryTail

They should both be on a high quality ferret food and not cat food, try Natural Gold or Totally ferret. Do not treat your ferret for any medical condition without speaking to and taking them to a ferret vet.  Ferrets are not treated like cats or dogs and  so a vet would have to tell you how to treat them.  I am not sure what the toxicity of chocolate is for a ferret, so that would also require a vet visit.