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my two ferrets

21 10:53:56

I have two ferrets male and female  just over a year old.  I work 8-5 but I try to let them have as much time possible out of the cage when I'm home 1 1/2 hours in the morning and 2-3 hours at night. My questions is is this enough time? Sometimes the boy seems bored when he's out and just lays on the carpet like a speed bump and I have every toy you could imagine. What can I do to stimulate him while he's in the cage and out?

That should be enough time, ferrets sleep as much if not more than cats do (18-20 hours a day). Ferrets are very adaptive, they will schedule their sleep when you're gone and be awake when you're home, especially if you are home and away at the same time every day.

My male ferrets does the flat thing too, this is called "flat ferreting". Usually it's when the ferret is bored, try actively engaging him in play. Tickle his belly, roll a jingle ball around his head, play tag, whatever. Some ferrets seem more dependant on their owners for entertainment, while others find ways to occupy themselves if you're busy. This guy is probably one of the latter ones, and just needs more attention from you.