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shoulder training

21 10:58:28

Hi...i am interested in how you might go about shoulder training a ferret...I have a 1 1/2 year old male that loves to go to the beach with me...I take him in his little back pack and  he just loves it...While we are there we just sit on a blanket and he never leaves my sight...he will crawl under and around the blanket but never away from me...I would love to walk with him up and down the beach out of the back pack...can you help...?

Hello, I';ve nver done this training but read it in the books I had, Simply sit on the floor put the ferret on yuor shoulder and give a tiny treat, if he falls off say no and put him basck just do it over and over for a few days until he gets it...the feret needs to learn to balance properly in order to not fall off.