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My ferret has a weird lump

21 10:56:18

We have an appointment at the vet's clinic scheduled for tomorrow.
However, I'm looking to find some idea of what is wrong with Kyle as soon as possible so I know whether I should be as scared as I am or whether I should relax a little.
I noticed late last night that Kyle has a strange growth in his ear.
It looks like swollen skin but parts of it are rather scabby.
I've included a picture as I struggle to really define it

Hi Toni:

I'm glad you got that little guy in to the vet!  My guess is that is is some type of tumor. You don't say if it came up fast or if he's had it for a while. I'm sure your vet will take a biopsy and/or schedule a surgery to remove it. It seems to be in a very uncomfortable place and I can't help thinking that if it isn't already, surely it will start to affect his balance.  If you see him leaning to one side or walking in circles, it is most likely because that tumor needs attention, so I hope you won't let it go untreated.

Best of luck - let me know what you find out?


Jacquie Rodgers