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New Pet

21 10:43:15

QUESTION: Hello, I've been considering getting a pet ferret. I currently have a rat, Aspen, but she is almost 3 and a half and I know that's pretty old for a rat. I was going to get another rat to keep me company but then I thought about getting a ferret since I could keep them around longer..

What is the basic care for ferrets? I've heard that they aren't that hard to take care of, more then a cat less then a dog, but I've also heard that they are very hard to take care of because of all the attention they need.

I haven't been getting clear answers on whether you should get two or not. Some people have been saying that you HAVE to get two to keep each other company when your not with them, but others have said that you can just get one as long as you get it out at least 3 hours a day. That doesn't seem like enough time to me, I have my rat out constantly when I'm home. But I don't have a job at the moment so I'm able to spend more time with Aspen and if I get a job I won't be able to do that.

ANSWER: Hello Tyler!

Ferrets make wonderful pets for the right person.  A responsible person is capable of owning and caring for a ferret, as long as you realize the responsibility that goes along with the job.  Ferrets require more care than a cat OR a dog in my opinion.  They require A LOT of time, but they make wonderful companions.  

Ask yourself, is a ferret right for you?  Do you have 4-5 hours of time to devote to him on a DAILY basis?  Remember, ferrets are NOT cage animals and need to spend time with you.  Are you willing to change the water bowl/bottle every day and give him fresh food?

Are you willing to train him?  Ferrets can be potty trained in a litter box, and MUST be taught not to nip.  They can learn tricks, such as roll over and sit up on command.  They are EXTREMELY smart and very fast learners.   

Also, be ready to do research.  Ferrets need proper litter (NOT clumping cat litter).   Yesterdays News brand is much better.  It lacks the dust particles other forms of litter have.  Also, DO NOT use wood chips of ANY kind.  These can be toxic to your pet!  Ferrets like warm snuggly blankets and lots of them!  Just make sure your ferret does not chew these, since parts of them can get stuck inside their intestines.  

Food is VERY important, and a proper diet is essential.  Did you know ferrets are obligate carnivores?  This means they need a high protein (meat-based) diet. They cannot live off of veggies, and they should never be given as treats.  Also, never give ANY fruit, milk, or sugary food to a ferret.  It can cause serious health problems.

Please refer to the following link regarding proper diet and good brands to use:

Are you willing to ferret-proof your room or play area?  Ferrets get into EVERYTHING and they need to have a safe environment to play in.  You need to make sure the area has no holes that a ferret can crawl into, and that there are no high places that he can fall from.  Also, if they are other pets in the house, make sure they play only under EXTREME supervision.  

Are you willing to take financial responsibility?  You must realize ferrets are expensive.  They need shots every year and if they become sick, they need to see a veterinarian.  Be aware that they do cost money like any pet.

If you still think a ferret is right for you, have you considered adoption?  There are hundreds of pre-trained homeless ferrets all over the country waiting for the perfect home! Almost every state has a rescue, and it would be the perfect opportunity to meet with various ferrets and see which one is right for you.  If you like this option, I could help you find a shelter in your area.

Ferrets are A LOT of fun, and will give you all of the love and attention you could want.  They will keep you smiling with their funny antics and shower you with affection.  They are WONDERFUL pets, but they are not for everybody.  Make sure you are aware of the responsibilities that come with owning a pet!

Is a ferret right for you?:

Information regarding ferret ownership and care:

-Cindy P.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I have always given my Rats fresh food and water so I don't think I'll have a problem with that. The only thing I'm really worried about is spending time with it. I'm home ALOT so I know I'll have him/her out all the time but I visit my dad a few times a month for a weekend. And I don't know If I'd be able to take the ferret with me since my dad has a dog and a cat. When I'm at my dads, my brothers are also at their dads so they wouldn't be able to play with it, and my mom has to work.

I have rat proofed my room before and let Aspen run around so I kinda know how to do that. I know a ferret will need A LOT more proofing then my rat does. Aspen isn't very curious. I have two dogs, Edgar and Ellie, but they don't come in the house often and when they do they are restricted to the basement. If I do end up getting a ferret should I get two so they will keep each other company when I'm not around?

I'm not going to be able to get one unless I have a job and can pay for it myself, if I get one I'm positive that pretty much all of my money is going to go into my ferret but I'm ok with that. If it does get sick or hurt my mom would help me pay for the vet.

I still have a while til I will be able to get one so I have lots of time to think things over. =]

Many people go to school or have full time jobs and still have time to offer their pets.  For example, I am a full time graduate student and I own ferrets and a dog.  I juggle walking my dog three times daily, and still have time to let my ferrets run around twice for several hours at a time.  Usually I can sit back and study while they hop around until they are tired enough to go to sleep and cuddle next to me.  

Ferret proofing can be challenging.  These guys get into EVERYTHING.  Eventually you begin to lean exactly how your ferret thinks.  You will be surprised how much the personalities vary!  My girl is on top of desks, the TV etc.  Where ever she wishes to go, she will find a way.  My boy is the opposite.  He does not try to actively destroy everything I own, and is pretty content cuddling and snoozing.  If I just had him, I would not need to worry about keeping the desk far away from the bed so my girl can't leap onto it!  

Ferrets are happier in pairs.  It's like having a best buddy to snuggle and play with when you are not around.  However, there is no need to get two right away.  Start with one, and then get another once you are comfortable.  

It is wonderful that you are doing your research!  You will make a fine ferret owner if you decide that is the pet for you.  Please consider visiting a nearby ferret shelter.  You can play with the ones they have and it might help you decide.  If you need help finding one in your area, I can help.  

-Cindy P.