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Maybe Getting A Ferret?

21 10:57:08

My dad loves ferrets. My mom said no way but she likes them. Is there anyway I can convince her and my dad?? And I need a list of things to do if  I get my ferret.

Ferrets DO require a LOT of DAILY care and attention. Their cage and litterbox must be cleaned daily to prevent odors and their food and water must be fresh every day (the water bowl gets really funky if you don't clean it with hot soapy water twice a day).

I would STRONGLY suggest that you get the book FERRETS FOR DUMMIES by Kim Schilling and read it - have your folks read it too.

There is all kinds of ferret information online also. Here's a great website with FAQ's (FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS) and click on FAQ'S and just start reading.

Ferrets are fairly expensive to own; their vet bills can be outrageous (my ferret had a surgery last year that cost $2,800.00 and that's NOT unusual.  They need to eat a VERY high protein ferret-specific food and you must "ferretproof" whatever part of the house you are going to allow the ferret to be in - they love to eat things like shoe insoles, pencil erasers, rubber bands.....and all these things cause intestinal blockages which will result in huge vet bills (as above and sometimes more, depending on what YOUR vet charges).

Buying a ferret is not something to be done without a LOT of studying and making SURE you are willing to give that ferret everything it needs for it's whole life.  Often, if you just get tired of a ferret and try to even *give* it to someone else, it will often die of depression or broken heart from missing you - so you need to plan to KEEP it once you get it.  

There's a LOT to know and BEFORE you even think of bringing one home, I would do a LOT of reading, maybe even join one of the online ferret groups.  Are you willing to sit up all night rocking a sick ferret, then run it back and forth to the vet to get subQ fluids throughout the day? This is not an unusual thing to have to do if your ferret gets sick.

Not trying to discourage you, just hoping that you will read and share with your parents all you learn about ferrets so that you can make an INFORMED choice - because if you don't, the ferret is the one who pays....and usually with his/her life.  Having a ferret is NOT anything like having a dog or a cat.   

Best of luck to you - I hope you won't make a decision until you KNOW all about ferrets.


Jacquie Rodgers