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ferret litter area

21 10:37:42

My boyfriend's ferret is about one year old.  She was trained to eat and "poop, etc." in the kitchen area. I hate having poop in the kitchen.  We moved her food into the bathroom. How can we retrain her to poop in the bathroom? Thank you so much!

Dear Susan,

It's not that the ferret has been trained to poop in the kitchen.  Ferrets will poop in the general area where they most often eat and sleep.  So, if they find themselves confined in new surroundings, they will eventually figure out that it must be their "new" place.

Note:  ferrets like to poop in corners when ever possible.  If you block open corners with large round jugs of water, and leave only one corner open, you can eventually train them to leave their bon bons in that particular corner.  Line the corner with news paper or a small litter box and give the plan time to work.

If you have further questions or I can help in any way, please feel free to contact me again.

Warm Regards,