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pregnant ferret

21 10:52:34

QUESTION: hi there . do you know how man days a ferret carries its kits for thank you in advance ------Terry

ANSWER: Hi Terry,

Ferret gestation usually lasts about 41 to 43 days.

Do you have a pregnant ferret? If you do and you have any questions at all about the birthing process, don't hesitate to ask!

Emilee Andrews

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: yes i do , she is in with another jill  will they be ok in together or will i have to split them up ,they have been in together for 18 months and get on well together ---Terry

Hi again Terry,

Is your other jill pregnant too? Is this your first ferret pregnancy?

If the other jill is pregnant, there should not be a problem housing them together for now but you'll probably want to separate them about 2 weeks before the birth.

The pregnant jill should be on a diet that has even more protein and fat in it than their normal diet. They need about 5-10 more protein and about 10 more fat (the fat needs to be upped when she starts to lactate). Also, it is wise to handle and cuddle and love your pregnant jill even more than usual so she gets used to you. This will make it easier for you to be able to intervene in the event of an emergency with  the birth.

The pregnant jill should have her own nest box as well. This should be a nice dark place with lots of blankets for her to be warm. This is definitely something she has to have during the birth too because it gives her privacy and it keeps her and the new babies warm. When you come closer to the due date, you'll start to notice your jill tugging her hair out to make the nursery just right for her and the babies.

There is a lot more to fuzzy pregnancy than I have said here and I really can only tell you the basics. While I know a woman who breeds ferrets, I have no first-hand experience with fuzzy birthing. If you have more questions about basics of the process, don't hesitate to ask.

Here is a link to

It is for a book called Ferret Breeding: A Modern Scientific Approach by James McKay. You can try getting your hands on something like that book. It is important to do your research into the subject!

I apologize if any of that is redundant! If you need to know any more of the basics or you want more resources, please don't hesitate to ask!

Emilee Andrews