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Vet doesnt know why my ferret is sick.

21 10:59:18

Our ferret has recently become very ill. He has lost a lot of weight, and became very lethargic. We brought him to the vet, and with an x-ray found his spleen was enlarged and he had some fluid in his lungs. He also had blood in his urine and feces.  He started anti-biotic and sucralfate, and we were feeding him baby food. He appeared to be getting better, but then didn't want to eat at that much at all. A couple days ago we found him in a coma like state and brought him in for an emergency visit. They gave him fluids underneath his skin, he was dehydrated. He has had another x-ray and an ultrasound. His lungs sound good, but the spleen is still enlarged. The vet doesn't think it is his heart, but doesn't know what is wrong with him either, She believes it may be an insulinomia, or something with his intestinal tract, as he doesn't appear to be processing water or food very well. He had food in his stomach hours after he had eaten. He is currently home, but still very lethargic and sick. He has shown just tiny amounts of improvement, but nothing to make us really excited about it. He is currently taking amoxicellon, pepto-bismal, metronidazole suspension, and the sucralfate twice a day, and we are hand feeding him the a/d can food. Our vets are wonderful, but at a loss to what is going on with him. He is going back in to get checked-up on Monday. Do you have any clue what is happening to him, or what else we could do for him? Is there anything else our vet should know, or be checking? Any help regarding this matter would be greatly appreciated. The past couple weeks have been hard, not knowing what we can do.


Your ferret probably has Adrenal and Insulinoma.  The comatose thing goes along with insulinoma and when they get that way they need Nuri-cal or Karo syrup or something either that they can lick off or put it on their gums.  They go in to a comatose  state because of low sugar caused by having insulinoma.  Blood in the stool is part of it.  A/D is great.  I heat it up and add just a little water.  Get some Pedialyte at the grocery store in the baby department or at the pharmacy and put it in your ferrets water.  That should help with dehydration.  Ferrets don't process their food well with cancer but they can live a while with the Nutri cal, A/D etc.  I hope this has helped you and I hope your ferret feels better.  If you could give your own SubQ fluids to your ferret it would be less expensive for you.  Most veterinarians will show you how and you can buy the needles and SubQ fluid from them.
