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Lumps and Bumps

21 10:44:52

hi, my name is Raven and i have had my ferret twoey for around two and a half years and just recently ive been worrying about him for just about anything and the other day i was  holding him and i felt something under his arm and i didn't know what it was but then i felt under his other arm and he had it there to so i don't know if thats just part of him or if they are tumors because it feels like one side is bigger than the other so i don't know. but if you might be able to tell me what that might be i would appreciate it very much.

Hi Raven:

Anything I could tell you without seeing Towie in person and feeling the places myself would be just a guess, unfortunately. My *guess* would be that you are feeling little fatty deposits, which would be harmless; but then again it could well be swollen glands, which would indicate something serious. The best advice I could give you is to tell you to take your ferret to a ferret savvy vet for a full exam and make sure the bumps aren't anything to worry about. I don't want to give you false hope; but don't want to scare you unnecessarily either, so the best thing to do is let a vet have a look.

Sorry I can't be of any more help, but that's the best anyone can do without actually seeing and feeling the lumps themselves.  I hope and pray it's nothing - but please do go get them checked out, okay?


Jacquie Rodgers