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Putting my ferrets together.

21 10:51:17

About 2 years ago I got a baby ferret, he was in the cage with many other ferrets. So 2 years pass by and I adopt an older ferret from a lady. I was really worried about putting them together, and one day I did. My older ferret I got from that lady tries to play with my younger one, but my younger one tries to bite the other, Ok I know about the alpha thing and the dragging by the neck. But he's not dragging him by the neck, he bites him and shakes his head, my older one cries and hisses. The odd thing about it all is, when I first put them down in the floor the older one jumps on the younger ones back and the younger one plays back. Ok here is my Question, I am getting a Ferret Nation Cage. I really really want them to live together, but what if that happens when I'm not there! And soon I'm getting 2 more baby ferrets, I know the older one will do great with them. I'm just worried about the younger one getting along with the older one and the new babies. I really want them all to live together, what should I do??

As long as the younger one is not screaming, bleeding, or pooping there is nothing to worry about. It sounds like the older one is simply establishing dominance, it it common for the alpha ferret to be a bit rough on the new ferret. Keep an eye on them, but the should be fine.