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question pls

21 10:54:38

hello tara:
sorry to bother you. But i have 4 ferrets (all addopted) and the albino one is sick. The vet told us she has adrenal tumor, and she went totally bold, lack of energie, etc, but about 4 months ago, she got her fur back, and was a little more playful (just a little) but we both were so surprised. Now she is about 7 or 8 years old.  But these days she is sleeping more, like more tired and bored. She has never gotten any shot for her cancer (our vet told us would be better just to give her all the love we could, besides she is very old) But i feel so bad to see her so weak, what can i give her? or is time to let her go? :(

Thanks for your advices. :)


I'm so sorry, Martha. It is so very difficult to say goodbye to these precious little ones!  Here is a website that I find comforting:

You can write a tribute to your ferret; they even have a Monday Night Candle Lighting Ceremony to honor pets who have died the previous week (it's okay if you don't do it the exact week the pet died, if you find out about it too late). You will find very kind people there who are a LOT of help in grieving. Everyone there is in pain and they do understand. Hope you'll check it out.

I'm so glad you are making room in your heart and your home for another little one who needs a home and a mommy to love.


thanks so much jacquie, unfortunately my albino ferret died on the 8th in teh morning, she was acting "weird" a night ago, and we went to the vet next morning, but she died there. Yes, you were right, I knew her time was getting close :_( (I still cry when I think of her) But I still have 3 ferrets and another baby (adopting her) on the way. Thanks for your time :)
Hi Martha:

Your question got placed into the "Question Pool", so I hope it's okay if I try to help you.

I'm sorry to hear your little girl is not doing well.  Sometimes with adrenal ferrets, we do see brief remission of symptoms for some reason. It doesn't mean the cancer has gone away, unfortunately.

I believe the advice your vet initially gave you is still valid today.  The same situation still exists, except that you were granted some more precious time with her. No doubt her time is getting 'close', but you will have to watch her to know when is the right time.  It's possible that one day she just won't wake up, then you won't have to make that difficult decision.  But, if you see her suffering, appearing to be in pain by acting restless, panting, moving frantically in the cage, anything that is not 'normal' for her - then you will know it is time for you to help her.  In the meantime, she is probably just enjoying resting and spending her last days with her family. That could be days, weeks or months...maybe even a year, who knows?  Enjoy each and every day you have with her, but do check on her, pick her up and give her a snuggle and a kiss two or three times EVERY DAY; each time, take just ONE MINUTE to tune out every single thing in the world and tune in the ferret; tell her how much you love her.  When it's *time*, she will show you by her actions.  You will will.


Jacquie Rodgers