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Litter in rectum?!

21 10:52:36

HELP!I believe my little fert has litter in her bottom! Her rectum is swollen and I can visibly see litter in it! I don't use clumping litter (I assume. My mother buys it and when you scoop it, the urine clumps fall apart into dark litter). I have had these three guys from the same litter for a few years now and this has never been an issue. What do I do? I just noticed it today while she was rolling about with the others. I just got home from college and don't know when this came about. My brother was taking care of them and I don't think he checks for things like that. Do I take her to a vet? Like a terrible owner, they have not been to the vet beyond the initial stuff from birth. I know, I know, terrible of me. But what do I do? Will it dislodge itself? I noticed this five minutes ago so I haven't really waited it out to see what she'll do. Please respond when you can! I know it's 10:11pm at night, but all the same, there's no 24 hour vet around here! Is she in danger? Please help.

You need to get her and the others to the vet.  Not only to check on this issue, but they are required by law to have at least rabies vaccines and should have canine distemper not to mention they should be checked by a vet yearly.  Make sure you take them to a ferret vet.