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ferret and fleas and smell

21 11:01:24

can you please tell me why ferrets stink and why ferrets get so many fleas more than cats, i presently have them outside in a big cage i feed them ferret pellets and water, i bathe them once a week with dog flea shampoo. I would like to donate them cause i no longer have time but would appreciate the answer to the above questions, and do you know of a place that might take the ferrets.  
i live in miami

thanks for your time

Hello Susy,
Ferrets have a natural odor, that is a musky and can turn some people off. they don't have it as babies, so unfortunately, a lot people are surprised by their odor they develop as adults.
It is a musky odor, caused by scent glands. All pet store ferrets are "neutered & descented," but there is still an odor.....There are ways to lessen the odor, but not eliminate it. Diligent cleaning of the litter box, and their food are the best ways to control the odor. It is not a repugnant odor, just a little musky.
If you are feeding them commercial ferret foods, that could be the problem. A lot of ferret foods contain fish oil which makes the smell much stronger. I would recommend a good cat food, i.e., Special Care by Purina or Iams Kitten, those seem to be the best at odor control.
Fleas are something you ferrets will get because they are outside all the time. You can consult with your vet re: flea control.
There is a ferret rescue in Miami Fla. that can help you with the placement of your ferrets in a new home, which sounds like the best option to me. They are time consuming pets, and I appreciate you taking the responsibility to find them a new home. The Miami ferret rescue's webpage is:

Good Luck to you, and good wishes in finding a new home for your ferrets. Please keep me posted!