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Getting a ferret

21 10:58:14

I ordered a cage at and it should be here in one buisness day. Just so you know, I am only 11 and my sister paid everything! So don't worry. My brother and his feance don't want me to have a ferret because they think I can't handle it and they hate the smell. But I know my sister and feance, my dad, and my other brother are going to help. Do you think I can handle a ferret? And how can I prevent it from getting cancer, or being sick? Please help.

Hi Betty:

I think the best way to convince your dad that you ARE responsible is to show him that you are ready for this responsibility!

The first thing you can do is READ. Here are all the "basics" for ferrets. Click (or cut and paste) this link:

Scroll down to "PART TWO", then on each topic that is blue, click on them each, one at a time and read it, then click "back" to go back to the list and read the next topic until you have read them ALL of them BEFORE you bring your new ferret home - for his SAFETY and HEALTH.  I know you are anxious, but it is VERY IMPORTANT because ferrets are not at ALL like cats or dogs or any other pet - they are very very different, very inquisitive, ornery, playful...but can become very sick very quickly...many things you can prevent if you are prepared AHEAD OF TIME.  

There are MANY things that can KILL a ferret within a week of you bringing it home if you don't know - things like ferrets like to eat rubberbands, styrofoam (or foam of any kind), packin peanuts, pencil erasers and a bunch of other stuff that can kill them by causing them intestinal blockages.

ALSO:  BE SURE you do DAILY responsibilities with your ferrets. It will make it so your ferrets don't stink AND it will impress your dad - most kids lose their pets because they don't take care of them enough. So, here is your DAILY ROUTINE:

CLEAN LITTERBOX: Scoop out all poop AND all wet litter. Gently push the litter from one side to the other and you will find where your ferret's pee usually lands - scoop out ALL wet litter (this is what stinks later).  You ferret is also more likely to use the box if it is clean!

VACUUM THE CAGE & WIPE IT DOWN: Vacuum out food particles, poop that got out of the litterbox, litter, etc. NEVER put the vacuum near your ferret (if you put it on his nose, it can collapse his lungs and kill him immediately). Wipe cage floors down with 1-tsp of Pine Sol and 1-qt water. Also, wipe off any other places that look dirty around or in the cage.

CHANGE THE BEDDING TWICE A WEEK:  Use baby flannel blankets, your pajamas, soft blankies of any kind and change the a couple times a week - more often if they get poop or vomit on them.  You can vacuum hammocks in between washings.

SUPERVISE YOUR FERRET WHEN HE IS OUT:  Don't let him get into things like shoes (put them up-the innersoles in them are made of foam and will kill your ferret); pick up anything your ferret can't play with - and make sure he has toys like small cardboard boxes (you can makes castles or houses by taping them together and making doors and windows, etc, but don't make them too high for the ferret to fall any higher than your ferret is tall).

**VERY IMPORTANT:  Your ferret's cage should have FULL plastic floors that go the whole length and width of the cage with ramps that go up and down the levels.  If the cage you ordered does not have this kind of floors, you need to RE order one that does.  Cages with wire floor - if your ferret walks on wire floors, it will break the small bones in his feet and distort his feet and cause a LOT of pain, so be SURE not to have wire floors.

ALSO:  NEVER feed your ferret anything other than his food - here is a food chart. Ferrets are "Obligate Carnivores", which means they eat MEAT ONLY - do NOT feed your ferret any food from Kaytee called Fiesta - it has dried fruits in it and can cause intestinal obstruction and kill your ferret. Be SURE to choose your ferret's food BEFORE YOU BRING HIM HOME (because it's hard to change them over later) using the "FOUR OUT OF FIVE" rule explained,then check the chart:

NEVER use wood chips of any kind in your ferrets cage. DO NOT use "clumping" clay litter - either use Yesterday's News or regular NON-Clumping clay litter. Clumping litter can get stuck in their toes, they bite it out, swallow it, and it clumps in their stomach and can cause a blockage.

If you want a healthy ferret, you MUST read the blue URL's at Ferret Central that I gave the URL above.

You SHOULD also join ferret groups online - you will not only meet new ferret friends, but you will learn a LOT of FUN thing; and a LOT of things that may save your ferrets life.  Everyone shares all kinds of information about their ferrets and experience, so it's a fun an great way to learn quickly. One is called "My Norwegian Ferret Family" and they are very helpful. I think you would like that - they share pictures, poems, ask questions of all kinds, etc.

I hope this has helped. If you have any questions about anything you read at Ferret Central, don't hesitate to write to me and I will explain in more detail.

Best of Luck with Your New Friend!

Jacquie Rodgers