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ferrets at night

21 10:52:04

i am thinking of getting a ferret but don't know where to put the cage.i don't know if ferrets make noise at night or not.are they like hamsters at night? please help me.

Hello Jessica!

To answer your question, most ferrets will get up to eat and go to the bathroom during the night, but they are not nearly as noisy as hamsters.  Usually, ferrets will do their thing then go back to sleep without bothering you.  I find mine to be loud only on occasion during the night.  All I do is pop them in their cage if they bother me.  They know playtime is over and promptly go to sleep without argument. Generally they are good and remain loose even while I rest =)  

Before you consider a ferret, there are some important things to remember.  Ferrets MUST have 3-4 hours of play time DAILY with you.  They are not independent like cats and need to interact with their owners.  Remember that ferrets need to be taken to the vet for yearly vaccinations to be healthy and need a very specific diet.  NEVER feed any sort of plant/vegetable/fruit ever.  Also, they have certain requirements for kibble, or there can be serious health problems.  If you need more information, or specific brands, let me know.  

Here is a great manual for new owners or potential ones!

Good luck!
-Cindy P.