Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > FERRETS && TEMPERATURE


21 10:52:04

Hi, i just recently bought myself a ferret this week.I live in new jersey and
the summers tent to get really hot above 80 degrees sometimes , and the winters
can get real cold.Ive read that real cold and/or hot temperatures can be harmful
for the ferret, what should i do if the temperature gets to hot and what should
i do if the temperature gets to cold?

Hi Heny,

If the temperature gets over 80 degrees, you should put a damp towel on top of your ferret's cage and put a fan on the towel so it cools down the inside of the cage. You are going to want the cage to cover one side of the cage and have the other side uncovered so they have a cool place to go. It is important that you put the damp towel on top of the cage and even if you could put another one on the side of the cage and then have the fan on that, because fans only cool if there is moisture where the fan is supposed to be cooling. Otherwise, fans just move air around a room. You know what I mean? It is imperative that you have a damp towel covering the top and the side of the cage and have a fan pointing at it when the temperature starts to climb to 80 degrees and above You can also wrap some frozen water bottles up in towels and put those in the cage. Lots of cool water to drink is also really important.

When it is too cold, you just want to make sure that they have plenty of blankets and warm places to snuggle up in. Ferrets handle cold a lot better than they handle heat, so just use your common sense. If you are freezing cold, your ferret probably is too, so just make sure they have lots of blankets and warm bedding to snuggle up in.

I hope this information helped and  if you have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask!

Emilee Andrews