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place training

21 10:58:48

I've been trying everything to keep my ferret away from certain things. For example, I do not want him on the coffee table or on my desk (as there are things potentially harmful to him on there). Everytime I take him off the coffee table or stop him from climbing up, he will go right back to the coffee table. The same applies with all of the other places I try to keep him away from. Do you know any way that I can train him to stay away from certain areas?

Ferrets like a challenge and it if often very hard to stop them from accomplishing a task.  The best thing to do would be to find a way to make it not fun or in-accessable.  If they dig in a house plant, place large rocks on the dirt to stop them.  My best suggestion would be to remove stuff from the table and make them unable to climb onto your desk - maybe move the chair or whatever they use to climb up.  

My ferrets always seem to know the one place they aren't allowed to go and make a beeline for that area!  Just make sure they are always supervised in non ferret proofed areas.

Sorry I can't give you an easier solution...