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Behavior question what could it signify?

21 10:40:05

My seven month old male ferret began acting unusual ... He seems disoriented when he is out of his cage ... Moving his head from side to side and unable to run without tripping. He has a playmate that he usually enjoys wrestling with but seems disinterested in playing with him as well.. Which is is odd because he is very playful and loves to play hide and seek and even plays with the children in the home as well. I'm worried that he may have a condition that could be affecting him but I'm unfamiliar with what health issues could be plaguing him.

Hello Stephanie,

It sounds like some sort of neurological problem, especially with the side-to-side movement of of his head and the inability to run.  Ferrets that are deaf and blind normally have no problem knowing where their limbs are, so it leads me to think this problem is more neurological (brain) or vestibular (balance).  I do have some questions that may help clarify it a bit.  Does he appear to have a head tilt?  Also, when you look into his eyes, do you see a repetitive motion of the pupil (this is called a nystagmus)?  Does he appear only to roll to one side when he trips?  Does he walk in circles? Has there been any seizure activity? Has he had a fall recently or or trauma to his head?  Have the symptoms been getting worse, or is he showing signs of improvement?  These are also things you should bring up with your vet when you have him seen, as they can help narrow down the possibilities.  

Unfortunately are many, many things that can cause this behavior, and some of it is more serious than others.  I will go through some of the possible causes, although he needs to be seen by a vet ASAP to try and determine what is causing the symptoms and the best method of treatment.  

Since he is young, a brain tumor is unlikely.  It is not that it cannot happen, it is just much less prevalent in young animals.  Inner ear infections can certainly cause similar symptoms to the ones you describe.  Since the body's vestibular (balance) system lies deep inside the ear, when there is inflammation or infection, it throws it off and the animal has difficulty walking and normally has a head tilt toward the affected side.

Trauma, parasites and infectious causes are a possibility.  Trauma to the head can produce all sorts of neurological symptoms, including those you describe.  Are you aware of any falls or events that might cause it?  Parasites are uncommon in ferrets, but capable of causing neurological or vestibular signs as well.  Some viruses/infectious diseases can do this too.  Your vet would have to run some tests to rule these out.   

Please have him seen by your vet as soon as you can, especially if his symptoms are getting worse.  The longer he goes without treatment, the less likely his chances of a full recovery.  It is best to have him seen, do a full diagnostic workup, and plan the best course of action with your vet depending on what is found.    

I wish I could be of more help, but this is something that needs to be medically addressed.  His symptoms seem neurological or vestibular in nature, but that does not really narrow the cause down much more than that.  There are just so many potential possibilities, and he needs to have a full physical and tests to try to determine the cause for proper treatment.  

-Cindy P.